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Our Strengths




We decided to lead a quality process in order to fulfil the needs and  expectations of our clients by constantly improving the efficiency of our organization. Therefore we are engaged on the following 3 points which make our strength : 



  • Customers first !


Your requirements are examined from the following elements :


-    Produces (freshness, caliber, quantity)
-    Service (packaging, delivery terms)
-    Regulations (traceability, food safety)

Our aim  is a perfect order. This means an order which meets your expectations at 100% and respects regulatory requirements.




  • Control of our suppliers


-    Evaluation and monitoring of all our suppliers
-    Development and monitoring of specifications (chemical inputs control, production conditions, volumes)
-    Partnership with farmers involved in reasoned agriculture.

Our target : no difference between orders and deliveries.




  • Performance of our service


-   A professional team (product knowledge, appropriate advice, responsiveness)
-   Custom orders (quantitative and qualitative control adapted to your needs)
-   Tailored logistics (deliveries scheduling, lorries loading, airfreight pallets, on time delivery)